About us
We are faced with numerous Important challenges in the Digital Health Transformation.
Why a Digital Health?
The impact on the transformation of health services, the complexity in applying digital solutions to healthcare services, the outcomes of new start-ups, the new products and services within the industry, the results from academic researchers, etc., all the above is bringing daily an enormous amount of information, which we would like to transform into knowledge.
This is only possible with a community of knowledge and practice. For this ECHAlliance Group, with over 900+ partner organizations, with a network of more than 20,000+ experts and professionals, an International Network of Ecosystems in Europe, China, Canada and in 70 countries of the Commonwealth and a reach in some 78 countries as The Global Connector Group has decided to create the Digital Health Observatory, with the following objectives.

To provide relevant, timely and high-quality articles, reports, best practices and research in digital health transformation.

To increase awareness and commitment of governments and the private sector to invest in, promote, and advance in transforming healthcare delivery.

To generate knowledge that will significantly contribute to the improvement of health using Digital technologies and processes.

To disseminate research findings and best practices in events, workshops and through social networks.

To provide relevant, timely and high-quality articles, reports, best practices and research in digital health transformation.

To increase awareness and commitment of governments and the private sector to invest in, promote, and advance in transforming healthcare delivery.

To generate knowledge that will significantly contribute to the improvement of health using Digital technologies and processes.

To disseminate research findings and best practices in events, workshops and through social networks.
Who We Are
Julien Venne
Naturally evolving in an international environment (fluent in English, French and Spanish), passionate about digital transformation & social impact, Julien is an experienced C-level executive with track records in large corporates, start-ups, governments & public authorities, hospitals, universities and non-profit organisations.
Highly-skilled in strategic thinking, Julien supports the innovation in public and private organisations, around public policies, services & investments design, business modelling, market access & business development tactics, ecosystems building, customers’ engagement, marketing & communication.
As an entrepreneur or intrapreneur, Julien is designing digital products and services aiming to improve people’s life such as personalised health and wellbeing programmes, behaviours change strategies and solutions, digital platforms and mobile apps, GovTech & CivicTech, smart human cities, etc.
As a researcher, Julien is affiliated to the United Nations University (UNU-MERIT), the University of Maastricht (Netherlands) and the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (India). His researches focus on digital transformation, data governance and digital trustworthiness, digital democracy, behavioural sciences, health and wellbeing, public and international health.
Involved in ECHAlliance almost since its beginning, Julien has been Director of Strategy and Innovation during 5 years and now he’s Board Director in charge of the Digital Health Observatory (DHO) and the scientific content of our activities, as well as of the deployment of partnerships and ecosystems in Latin America. He’s also Board member of the Digital Health Society (DHS) and member of the Council of the Global Health Connector Partnership.
Julien is also regularly speaking at international events.
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Experts Committee
This committee is composed of an international independent experts’ network working to provide advice to the editorial committee and the Director. Mostly vision, defining of objectives and strategy, sharing their broad knowledge and perspective.
At the same time, they help to identify authors, themes or best practices worldwide and contribute actively to the objectives of DHO.
Experts Committee
This committee is composed of an international independent experts’ network working to provide advice to the editorial committee and the Director. Mostly vision, defining of objectives and strategy, sharing their broad knowledge and perspective.
At the same time, they help to identify authors, themes or best practices worldwide and contribute actively to the objectives of DHO.

Joao Bocas
Global Digital Health Influencer

Elaine Colgan
Head of e-Health and EU Engagement at the Department of Health in Northern Ireland

Karolina Korth
Innovation Consultant

Joseph C. Kvedar, MD
Vice President, Connected Health, Partners HealthCare

Artur Olesch
Freelance Editor-in-Chief Polish Healthcare Journal

Jaume Raventos Monjo
CEO ITA. Mental Health

Tram Trinh

Dr Margaret Whoriskey, MBE
Head of Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation

Mobin Yasini
Research & Development director at dmd Santé
Experts Committee
This committee is composed of an international independent experts’ network working to provide advice to the editorial committee and the Director. Mostly vision, defining of objectives and strategy, sharing their broad knowledge and perspective.
At the same time, they help to identify authors, themes or best practices worldwide and contribute actively to the objectives of DHO.

Joao Bocas
Global Digital Health Influencer

Elaine Colgan
Head of e-Health and EU Engagement at the Department of Health in Northern Ireland

Karolina Korth
Innovation Consultant

Joseph C. Kvedar, MD
Vice President, Connected Health, Partners HealthCare

Artur Olesch
Freelance Editor-in-Chief Polish Healthcare Journal

Jaume Raventos Monjo
CEO ITA. Mental Health

Tram Trinh

Dr Margaret Whoriskey, MBE
Head of Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation

Mobin Yasini
Research & Development director at dmd Santé